Code of Conduct

At Jeffreys Bay Primary we have a set of values that we focus on and have each other accountable to.

The seven values are; Respect, Caring, Sportsmanship, Honesty, Diligence, Fairness and Friendliness.

That is what we focus on and positively encourage.

Every teacher has their own system in class of how they handle discipline. It is visible and there is room for redemption as we try and support positive behaviour.

In term one and two we allow 7 inscriptions in a disciple file for a detention. In term tree and four we only allow 5 inscriptions for a detention. Detention is set every second Friday afternoon from 13:45 – 15:15.  If a child sits a second detention the parents need to come in for a meeting and certain privileges could be taken away.

Serious offences will directly lead to a detention.

  • Homework not done
  • Books not at school
  • Tardiness
  • Back chatting
  • Littering
  • Incorrect uniform
  • Incorrect hair
  • Copying of homework
  • Bad language
  • Contravention of school rules and regulations
  • Reply slips not returned
  • Talking in rows
  • Missing practices/rehearsals

  • Bullying
  • Fighting
  • Smoking in uniform
  • Vandalism
  • Racist remarks
  • Bunking class
  • Possession of stolen goods
  • Failing to meet school commitments
  • Disruptive /Disrespectful behaviour

  • Direct verbal aggression towards staff
  • Physical aggression towards staff
  • Sexual Misconduct
  • Stealing
  • Truancy
  • In possession of alcohol
  • In possession of narcotics
  • In possession of pornography
  • Organised victimization
  • Fraudulent signatures
  • Cribbing during tests/exams
  • Cheating during tests/exams

Offences not covered above fall under the discretion of the school principal.

Behaviour in Classrooms

The following table is a guideline that teachers use in classrooms to ensure that students understand what is expected of them and the boundaries within which they can operate. It is a goal at our school for students to learn the same routine so that maximum education and learning can take place.

Jeffreys Bay Primary School ensures that we do our best to address and manage all the social aspects of a child’s life if there are any issues. We operate in a multicultural environment and understand that each student is unique, so we treat every student with special care.