Foundation Phase

The Foundation Phase provides a strong, healthy foundation for learners from Grade R to 3. The staff strives to develop each learner’s full potential. Development takes place on academic, cultural, and physical levels.


All the ladies are experienced teachers. Education and children are our passion. We strive to stay updated with developments in education. Staff regularly attend courses.


Jeffreys Bay Primary is privileged to have an assistant, Ms. Margaux Michau, as part of our team. She supports and assists learners with learning difficulties in Home Language and Mathematics. These help sessions take place during school hours.

Subjects in the Foundation Phase:

According to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), the Foundation Phase has four subjects.

The subjects are:

Home Language: Afrikaans or English
First Additional Language: English or Afrikaans
Life Skills


Assessment takes place as outlined in the CAPS document.

All assessments are conducted using the 7-point scale:

KodeCompetencyPercentage %
7Outstanding performance80-100%
6Merit performance70-79%
5Sustantial performance60-69%
4Satisfactory performance50-59%
3Average performance40-49%
2Elimentary performance30-39%
1Not reached0-29%

The pass requirements for Grade 1 to 3 (excluding Grade R):

Home Language: Satisfactory performance: Level 4
First Additional Language: Average performance: Level 3
Mathematics: Average performance: Level 3